Saturday, December 20, 2008

What a Difference a Week Makes

I wish I had a great "I struck the lottery" or "I met Mr. Wonderful" post, but I'm afraid it's the exact opposite.

I met Mr. Wonderful on Sunday, got laid off on Tuesday, and went on a big, exciting date with Mr. Wonderful tonight only to find out he's Mr. Not-So-Wonderful after all. He could not (or would not) stop talking about "hot chicks" and how/where to meet them. I swear, if I hear ONE more man use the phrase "hot chick" in front of me, especially while on a date with me, I am going to castrate him on the spot. I can't help it that I was not naturally endowed with a Hooters Bikini Pageant body (p.s., most of them aren't naturally endowed with theirs, either), I do the best I can with what I have and was at least graced with a beautiful face, a great personality and oodles of smarts and humor. I guess most guys would rather date the female equivalent of junk food than foie gras.

It's got to be Atlanta, right? Just the men here who are piggish? Please tell me that men somewhere else are a little deeper than this.

Well, back to the job search which is really more important anyway. Lovely Christmas...unemployed, nearly broke, very single and decidedly "not hot".


M said...

Oh you poor thing. What a sucky week.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for a new job soon. I think you are better off single than with a tosser like that!

Meg said...

Thanks Michelle! Yes, definitely better off single but he was sooo cute...and now I think he's a troll.

Non Je Ne Regrette Rien said...

cute is as cute does and PS-French men are actually quite nice. Add that to your list of reasons to emigrate!

Meg said...

If the housing market were a little better, I'd take this unemployment opportunity to sell and pack up for France. Alas, there are about 10 units in my complex for sale...still...after about 6 months. Grr.

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A Southern Belle Goes to Paris, y'all. by Meg G is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.