Sunday, August 23, 2009

Tar-Zhay and Other Annoying Frenchified Things

I know that the reason we "French" stuff up is to add a level of perceived class or value to an otherwise everyday something-or-other but it's getting on my nerves. Years and years ago I thought it was cute to say "Tar-Zhay" instead of Target but now that McDonald's is in on the act and Glade spawned those annoying Glawd-ay commercials, I am putting my foot down. My fear is that before we know it, saying that something is "French" or "Parisian" or what-have-you, will imply that it's a piece-of-crap product trying to insinuate itself into the luxury class hierarchy. "I love your handbag!" "Oh, this piece-of-crap? It's French." No. Way. We need to back out of this "freedom fries" nightmare toute de suite and save the French descriptors for the truly French.

McDonald's Cubiclé commercials are possibly the biggest offender. Why do they feel the need to market their coffee that way? They would have gotten my attention with the simpler ad (which is actually quite good) and may have persuaded me to take a break from Starbucks to check out the competition. Now...not a chance. Not a chancé.

Decide for yourself: the good ad is on the top and the Cubiclé add is below it. To be honest, I bet either one tastes like jus de chaussettes regardless of the marketing. Ugh.

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A Southern Belle Goes to Paris, y'all. by Meg G is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.