Thursday, October 22, 2009

Bon Anniversaire!

I almost missed my one-year anniversary! I just happened to notice that my ClustrMaps visitors at the bottom of the page were gone and have started anew. I had 799 visitors last year. Considering that I write about nothing of particular interest, put the blog on the shelf for about 6 months and had only told two friends about it in the first place, I think an average of 2 people a day from around the globe is pretty neat. So, thanks a lot for stopping by for a visit and reading my ramblings!

Time to say farewell to all of those little red dots (they're sooo 2008!) and start accumulating new ones:

Illustration credit Bella Pilar. (She's my favorite right now - totally amazing: check her out!)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Oh my God, I am so depressed. I feel old and tired. I hate my job right now and daydream about selling everything I own and hoofing it through Europe like a young university kid.

I don't know what it is about technological and cultural "advancement" but it seems to me that the more advanced society gets, the more unhappy everyone is. Why do we make everything so complicated? I do love city life, I suppose (if you can call living in metro Atlanta 'city life') but I wonder if I wouldn't be happier with a quieter pace, living on a farm somewhere with a family and a little garden or something.

Maybe this is early Seasonal Affective Disorder? All I know is, I don't see the point in having such a stressful job that I abhor and that doesn't have any positive impact on society. I guess, given the current economic state of things, I should be thankful to have a job at all. Jeez, this makes me sound like such a jerk. "Look at all the nice things I have and take for granted because it's not quite what I had in mind." Counting my blessings would be far more productive than whining about a lack of fulfillment. But still, I just have that nagging feeling of discontentment; something is missing that I can't quite name or identify. I guess I'm a grown-up Goldilocks who just can't find the right porridge.

Back to daydreaming...
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A Southern Belle Goes to Paris, y'all. by Meg G is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.