Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Joyeux Noël

Joyeux Noël everyone!! I picked up a bottle of wine and a beautiful bûche de Noël this afternoon (to share.) Now all I need is a little snow...

Hope y'all enjoy Christmas in your respective corners of the world!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

What a Difference a Week Makes

I wish I had a great "I struck the lottery" or "I met Mr. Wonderful" post, but I'm afraid it's the exact opposite.

I met Mr. Wonderful on Sunday, got laid off on Tuesday, and went on a big, exciting date with Mr. Wonderful tonight only to find out he's Mr. Not-So-Wonderful after all. He could not (or would not) stop talking about "hot chicks" and how/where to meet them. I swear, if I hear ONE more man use the phrase "hot chick" in front of me, especially while on a date with me, I am going to castrate him on the spot. I can't help it that I was not naturally endowed with a Hooters Bikini Pageant body (p.s., most of them aren't naturally endowed with theirs, either), I do the best I can with what I have and was at least graced with a beautiful face, a great personality and oodles of smarts and humor. I guess most guys would rather date the female equivalent of junk food than foie gras.

It's got to be Atlanta, right? Just the men here who are piggish? Please tell me that men somewhere else are a little deeper than this.

Well, back to the job search which is really more important anyway. Lovely Christmas...unemployed, nearly broke, very single and decidedly "not hot".

Friday, December 12, 2008

Oh, Paris! on the Magnificent Ukulele !!

I love this quirky little tune about Par-ee! "I finally know that I belong here in this world" - Dent May & His Magnificent Ukulele are singing just for me! My favorite part of this video is that the subject is (sort of) Paris and the stage is (definitely) set on US soil, not unlike this little blog. And is that a poster of Shirley Jones on the wall? Love it!
Copyright © 2008 A Southern Belle Goes to Paris, y'all.
"Pretty girls in black berets, reading books in sad cafés..." Too cute!!! Makes me smile every time! I noticed he lists Tab as an influence on his MySpace page. I might be in love. I'm going to go watch it again...

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Well, let me just say that I am already exhausted from all of the Christmas activities! The economy may be down and out but that hasn't put an end to a seemingly never-ending queue of Christmas parties, Hanukkah parties and Christmukkah parties to attend and not just on the weekends. And a big hurrah! because just a few weeks ago I was as low as ever over nothing to do. I guess when it rains (or hopefully snows) it pours! And in just a few short weeks I'll be so very thankful for time to myself. And working off all of these Christmas gifts I didn't ask Santa for... a few extra pounds creeping on. Ugh.
Copyright © 2008 A Southern Belle Goes to Paris, y'all.

One of my close girlfriends just got back from Paris and I spent all day at work today daydreaming (and drooling) over these pictures. I had canned soup at my desk for lunch. Abysmal. Wouldn't an eclair from Fauchon have been so much better?!? Oh well, one girl's canned soup could be another's French eclair, non? Doubtful. I promise myself to do better tomorrow. Hope your Holidays are turning out to be Merry and Bright as well!!

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A Southern Belle Goes to Paris, y'all. by Meg G is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.